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Reactive dark mode with auto data persistence.


Last Changed
9 months ago

Basic Usage

import { useDark, useToggle } from '@vueuse/core'

const isDark = useDark()
const toggleDark = useToggle(isDark)
import { useDark, useToggle } from '@vueuse/core'

const isDark = useDark()
const toggleDark = useToggle(isDark)


useDarkcombines with usePreferredDarkand useStorage On start up, it reads the value from localStorage/sessionStorage(the key is configurable) to see if there is a user configured color scheme, if not, it will use users' system preferences. When you change the isDark ref, it will update the corresponding element's attribute and then store the preference to storage for persistence.

Please note useDarkonly handles the DOM attribute changes for you to apply proper selector in your CSS. It does NOT handle the actual style, theme or CSS for you.


By default, it uses Tailwind CSS favored dark mode, which enables dark mode when class dark is applied to the html tag, for example:

<html> ... </html>

<html class="dark"> ... </html>
<html> ... </html>

<html class="dark"> ... </html>

While you can customize it and make it work for most of the CSS frameworks.

For example:

const isDark = useDark({
  selector: 'body',
  attribute: 'color-scheme',
  valueDark: 'dark',
  valueLight: 'light',
const isDark = useDark({
  selector: 'body',
  attribute: 'color-scheme',
  valueDark: 'dark',
  valueLight: 'light',

will work like

  <body color-scheme="light"> ... </body>

  <body color-scheme="dark"> ... </body>
  <body color-scheme="light"> ... </body>

  <body color-scheme="dark"> ... </body>

If the configuration above still not fitting to your needs, you can use onChanged options to take full controls over how you handle the updates

const isDark = useDark({
  onChanged(dark: boolean) {
    // update the dom, call the API or something
const isDark = useDark({
  onChanged(dark: boolean) {
    // update the dom, call the API or something

Component Usage

This function also provides a renderless component version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.

<UseDark v-slot="{ isDark, toggleDark }">
  <button @click="toggleDark()">
    Is Dark: {{ isDark }}
<UseDark v-slot="{ isDark, toggleDark }">
  <button @click="toggleDark()">
    Is Dark: {{ isDark }}

Type Declarations

export interface UseDarkOptions
  extends Omit<UseColorModeOptions<BasicColorSchema>, "modes" | "onChanged"> {
   * Value applying to the target element when isDark=true
   * @default 'dark'
  valueDark?: string
   * Value applying to the target element when isDark=false
   * @default ''
  valueLight?: string
   * A custom handler for handle the updates.
   * When specified, the default behavior will be overridded.
   * @default undefined
  onChanged?: (isDark: boolean) => void
 * Reactive dark mode with auto data persistence.
 * @see
 * @param options
export declare function useDark(
  options?: UseDarkOptions
): WritableComputedRef<boolean>
export interface UseDarkOptions
  extends Omit<UseColorModeOptions<BasicColorSchema>, "modes" | "onChanged"> {
   * Value applying to the target element when isDark=true
   * @default 'dark'
  valueDark?: string
   * Value applying to the target element when isDark=false
   * @default ''
  valueLight?: string
   * A custom handler for handle the updates.
   * When specified, the default behavior will be overridded.
   * @default undefined
  onChanged?: (isDark: boolean) => void
 * Reactive dark mode with auto data persistence.
 * @see
 * @param options
export declare function useDark(
  options?: UseDarkOptions
): WritableComputedRef<boolean>




Anthony Fu
Mehran Mirshekaran
Máximo Mussini
Pig Fang
Alex Kozack
Le Minh Tri


No recent changes

Released under the MIT License.