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6 months ago

Keep target refs in sync with a source ref

保证 target refsource ref 值的同步。


Usage 使用方式

import { syncRefs } from '@vueuse/core'

const source = ref('hello')
const target = ref('target')

const stop = syncRefs(source, target)

console.log(target.value) // hello

source.value = 'foo'

console.log(target.value) // foo
import { syncRefs } from '@vueuse/core'

const source = ref('hello')
const target = ref('target')

const stop = syncRefs(source, target)

console.log(target.value) // hello

source.value = 'foo'

console.log(target.value) // foo

Watch options

The options for syncRefsare similar to watch's WatchOptions but with different default values.

syncRefs的选项和 watchWatchOptions 相同,但是具有不同的默认值。

export interface SyncRefOptions {
   * Timing for syncing, same as watch's flush option
   * @default 'sync'
  flush?: WatchOptions['flush']
   * Watch deeply
   * @default false
  deep?: boolean
   * Sync values immediately
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
export interface SyncRefOptions {
   * Timing for syncing, same as watch's flush option
   * @default 'sync'
  flush?: WatchOptions['flush']
   * Watch deeply
   * @default false
  deep?: boolean
   * Sync values immediately
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean

When setting { flush: 'pre' }, the target reference will be updated at the end of the current "tick" before rendering starts.

当设置 { flush: 'pre' }target ref 将会在 当前 "tick" 的最后 更新,在渲染开始之前。

import { syncRefs } from '@vueuse/core'

const source = ref('hello')
const target = ref('target')

syncRefs(source, target, { flush: 'pre' })

console.log(target.value) // hello

source.value = 'foo'

console.log(target.value) // hello <- still unchanged, because of flush 'pre'

await nextTick()

console.log(target.value) // foo <- changed!
import { syncRefs } from '@vueuse/core'

const source = ref('hello')
const target = ref('target')

syncRefs(source, target, { flush: 'pre' })

console.log(target.value) // hello

source.value = 'foo'

console.log(target.value) // hello <- still unchanged, because of flush 'pre'

await nextTick()

console.log(target.value) // foo <- changed!

Type Declarations

export interface SyncRefsOptions extends ConfigurableFlushSync {
   * Watch deeply
   * @default false
  deep?: boolean
   * Sync values immediately
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
 * Keep target ref(s) in sync with the source ref
 * @param source source ref
 * @param targets
export declare function syncRefs<T>(
  source: WatchSource<T>,
  targets: Ref<T> | Ref<T>[],
  options?: SyncRefsOptions
): WatchStopHandle
export interface SyncRefsOptions extends ConfigurableFlushSync {
   * Watch deeply
   * @default false
  deep?: boolean
   * Sync values immediately
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
 * Keep target ref(s) in sync with the source ref
 * @param source source ref
 * @param targets
export declare function syncRefs<T>(
  source: WatchSource<T>,
  targets: Ref<T> | Ref<T>[],
  options?: SyncRefsOptions
): WatchStopHandle




Anthony Fu
Bruno Perel


No recent changes

Released under the MIT License.